Wednesday, October 21, 2015


It seems like every day lately,  I cry. I hate crying, because it makes me feel hopeless and empty. Some people think it is a sign of weakness. Some people cannot handle it, and avoid you altogether.  Crying makes my eyes swell, and my head hurt. But still, I cannot stop the tears.

I started thinking more about why I am so emotional.  Well, it's a no-brainer if you know me. My dad is fighting everyday for us. To stay here on this Earth. Not just because we love each other,  but because he loves life. He is battling a cancer that has no cure.  He does it, not because he is able to do the things he loves, but because he gets more time with those he loves. More hugs, more kisses, more holding hands, more just sitting and talking (or, not), and more saying, "I love you."

A few weeks ago, I went over to see him.  He has always loved to be outside, and I found him sitting on the back porch just enjoying the weather.  We sat and just held hands in silence for a few moments.  My dad then said something that I will never forget. He said, as he always does, that he has no regrets.  He said that he has had a good life, and knows he has been loved. But, one thing he added...he said, "You know, I have some really good friends. I just wish we had told each other we loved each other more."

See, dad had just been in the hospital,  and the reports weren't good, so people have been calling and coming to see him, because he isn't doing well. I like to brag on him, because he truly is an amazing man. It shows when you see the pain ripple beyond your immediate family.

He has touched and changed many lives over the years. I am lucky to have been blessed with him as my daddy. He has raised me to be a fighter, survivor,  and overcomer. He is tough as nails, and as gentle as a lamb. He loves hard, and he loves forever.  No matter what.

I encourage you to do the same. Life can change in an instant.  Time is precious,  and we often take for granted how lucky we are to have each day, and the people we do life with. Tell those people you love them, every single day. Never be too proud to show your heart. Love hard, and love forever.  Be thankful that you are one of the lucky ones. The ones who have another day to make that happen.

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